New winds



Hi ! 


We've reached the point that the whole coronavirus situation is looking worse and the restrictions tightened. You can order delicacies home, from either the online shop or alternatively by calling the shop so we can arrange delivery straight to your doorstep. 

Sari / merchant

29.4.-20   INFO !

Hakaniemi market hall decreases the opening times. The hall is open on weekdays 8:00-18:00 and Sat 8:00-18:00. 

.... We're open weekdays 9:00-18:00 and Saturdays 09:00-17:00. Welcome ! 

From us you can order, pick up or deliver home your shopping. Mother's Day is approaching, so you can order fresh coffee either in beans or ground to your desired coarseness. You can also get teas, sweets, chocolates and spices to every taste. We have a gift card that's a lovely idea for any event, be it Mother's Day, a birthday or even as a gift for your co-worker. 


01.04.-20 Reminder!

Regardless of everything we're open as per normal, welcome to Hakaniemi market hall ! You can come do your Easter shopping as normal, or alternatively call us so we can prepare a parcel or deliver it straight to your doorstep. Thank you ! 

Phone: 09-7533900, call and order !

24.3.-20 Online shop !

We're in the process of opening an online shop to our website, but in the meantime you can order over the phone or e-mail to get delicacies straight home. We can deliver if you're located at a reasonable distance from Hakaniemi, or within the Uusimaa region. We can also post if you're further away. We live around Vantaa region and are at a handy distance to Tuusulanväylä and Lahti highway, or even overall Vantaa. The delivery costs are as follow:  (order less than 35€ = delivery 5,90.,  35-50€ = delivery 3,90€, and over 50€ delivery is free) The minimun price for the parcel is 20€ and you can either pay via Nordea bank transfer or pay on the spot. Delivery is 2-3 days from ordering. 

20.3.-20  ATTENTION !  


We're open per usual in Hakaniemi market hall. We have lots of space to do your shopping in, wide and calm. Welcome ! It's a good time to do easter shopping now, since tomorrow's always uncertain. We constantly follow the news and try to give further information about the situation as we can, including opening times. Thank you !

1.2.2020 February, Valentine's Day 14.2.-20

1.1.2020 Happy New Year everyone ! 

14.8.- 30.8.-19  Facebook competition starts now ! 

30.9.-19  Website open !

24.10. - 26.10.-19  Hakaniemi market hall's food event, free samples and offers ! For example Holmen Coffee has tasters of coffee and tea.

8-9.11.-19 Delicacies for Father's Day, proper coffee and chocolate surprises. Welcome !  

3.12.-19 December is here ! Ger some Christmas delicacies from us now !